Saga table lighting set for meeting rooms
Increase alertness and productivity during meetings and workshops through this ready-made set, creating a Biocentric lighting environment for the people around a meeting room table.

The saga set consists of:
- One or several Saga pendant luminaires
- Biocentric lighting control box
- Wireless light switch
- A dynamic light recipe designed for office use
Depending on the size of your table, you can choose between one, two or three luminaires.
Biocentric lighting luminaires are easily placed over tables providing Biocentric lighting for the people sitting around the table. Simply mount the luminaires in the drop-down ceiling, plug in the power and mount the wireless switch. The light switch uses an energy-harvesting technology where the energy needed to control the light is generated with the push of a button. No cables, no batteries and it can be placed anywhere. The light recipe that comes with the set is developed and tailored specifically for an office environment, to maintain a healthy circadian rhythm and to meet the standard of visual light.
Biocentric lighting luminaire included in this set:
Saga is a round BCL ceiling luminaire that is mounted directly to the suspended ceiling or suspended with wires. The options make Saga a popular luminaire for many different spaces. With the Saga table lighting for meeting room set, you will receive Saga as a pendant.

1x Saga
Table size
up to 2m
up to 6
BCL impact facing table
>300 lux mEDI / 0,38CS

2x Saga
Table size
up to 3,2m
up to 10
BCL Impact facing table
>450 lux mEDI / 0,45 CS

3x Saga
Table size
up to 5,2m
up to 16
BCL Impact facing table
>450 lux mEDI / 0,45 CS

What's mEDI?
The two most common circadian metrics used to measure and communicate the impact of light on one’s circadian rhythm are Melanopic Equivalent Daylight Illuminance (m-EDI) and Circadian Stimulus (CS). Different building and light standards use different metrics for lighting requirements. The building standard WELL recommends at least 250 lux m-EDI for at least 2 hours every day to support the circadian rhythm.